Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Violence in Society essays

Violence in Society essays The first reaction to hearing about the topic of battered men, people tend to think of it as being absolutely false or very uncommon. Battered husbands are a topic for jokes because people always assume that it is the women who are battered. One researcher noted that wives were the perpetrators in seventy-three percent of the depictions of domestic violence in newspaper comics. Battered husbands have historically been either ignored or subjected to ridicule and abuse. Even those of us who like to consider ourselves liberated and open-minded often have a difficult time even imagining that husband battering could take place. Although feminism has opened many of our eyes about the existence of domestic violence, the abuse of husbands is a rarely discussed phenomenon. One reason that husband battering is not investigated is that it is a rare occurrence. Another reason is that because women were seen as weaker and more helpless than men pertaining to sex roles, and men on the other hand were seen as more sturdy and self-reliant. The study of abused husbands is considered to be In 1974, research was done to compare male and female domestic violence. In this study, it was found that forty seven percent of husbands had used physical violence on their wives, and thirty-three percent of wives had used violence on their husbands(Gelles 1974). Also in 1974, a study was released showing that the number of murders of women by men was about the same as the number of murders of men by women. Although it had finally been shown that there was violence being perpetrated both by wives and husbands, there was no evidence about the severity or who initiated the abuse and who is acting in The idea of women being violent is a hard thing for many people to believe. It goes against the stereotype of the passive and helpless female. ...

Monday, March 2, 2020

The Difference Between Plug-In and Standard Hybrid Cars

The Difference Between Plug-In and Standard Hybrid Cars A hybrid vehicle uses two or more distinct types of power, such as a gas-powered, internal combustion engine plus an electric motor on a battery pack. There are two primary types of hybrid cars on the market, a standard hybrid and a plug-in hybrid. Neither requires that you plug in the car to an electric source, however, with a plug-in hybrid you have the option to do so. The beauty of hybrid cars over gasoline-powered  cars is that they run  cleaner with fewer emissions, they get better gas mileage, which makes them more environmentally friendly, and depending on the model, you may be eligible for a tax credit. Standard Hybrids Standard hybrids are very much like regular gasoline-powered cars. The only difference is internal- the car can recharge its batteries by reclaiming energy through a process called regenerative braking or while driving on engine power. Standard hybrids do not need to be plugged in. A standard hybrid uses both a gasoline engine and an electric motor to help offset fuel costs and increase gas mileage. When the battery is heavily taxed by a lot of electric motor usage without a lot of braking, the internal combustion engine picks up the slack while the battery comes back up to charge. Hybrids still use gasoline as the primary source of power, you fill up the tank as you normally would. Popular standard hybrid models are the Toyota Prius and Honda Insight. Luxury car makers like Porsche and Lexus in recent years have added hybrids to its fleet of vehicles. Plug-In Hybrids In order to increase electric motor cruising time, some manufacturers are creating plug-in hybrids that have more powerful batteries which can be recharged by â€Å"plugging in† the vehicle to normal household current. This feature allows the vehicle to perform more like a true electric car and less like a conventional gasoline car, all the while delivering exceptional fuel mileage. Plug-in hybrids, like the Chevrolet Volt, operate in much the same way as a hybrid by providing an all-electric driving range using a battery pack. Once the battery has been depleted, the vehicle can slip back to being a regular fuel-fed hybrid and recharge its batteries using the gasoline-powered motor as a generator. The big difference here is that you can also plug it in and recharge the electric motor instead of using the engine to charge it up. Depending on your driving needs, if you can plan your trips and just drive on electricity and then charge back up, you can go a very long time without having to gas up. All Electric Vehicles Although they are not considered hybrids since they run solely on electricity and are not a hybrid of anything, all-electric vehicles are worthy of mention if saving on gas is what you want to accomplish. All-electric cars like the Nissan Leaf, Tesla Model S, Ford Focus Electric, and Chevy Spark EV run on electricity and use electrons as their solitary source of energy. The more you drive, the more of the battery charge is depleted. The biggest disadvantage is that there is no gas engine built in to rescue you if you run out the battery completely. All electric vehicles must be recharged either at your home or at a charging station.